This week Jeff and Bill talk about Iowa’s oldest living muskie, bigfoot, and UFOs 00:00 Back at it and a shout out to Nate Karnes (Remedy Provisions)
01:28 Jeff forgets the words.
02:24 Bob White Signature Tee Clearance
03:10 IFTD and Live Events, Salt Lake City and Magic Underwear
05:00 The Salamander Letters
05:55 The Mormon War on Beaver Island
09:50 Bill’s update on the Djembe class
11:10 Jeff is on Tic-Tok @jtroutmn43
12:10 Text from Mr. Holden Ausmus and Peanut Butter Beer? ( beermoney20)
13:05 Jeff in a Massage Parlor? “You have to tip for the tip.”
16:00 Athletic Brewing and Space S*^& Time Machines
26:18 Iowa’s Oldest Living Muskie Caught
Episode Links: (beermoney20)